Monday, August 18, 2008

1000 Crunches per Day Won't Get You a Six Pack

I can remember when I was a child that my mother was doing a series of crunches on a daily basis in order to get a lean and flat stomach. She read this in a woman's health magazine and believe it or not, she was doing 700 or more crunches on a daily basis every day for several weeks. Unfortunately, she ended up getting discouraged as a result of these exercises because they were not producing the results that she desired. The fact of the matter is, 1000 crunches per day won't get you a six pack and typically, it will just leave you feeling as if nothing you're going to do is going to work.

The reason why this is the case is because it is impossible for you to target specific areas of fat on your body by exercising those regions of your body. Although it never hurts for you to do crunches and to make sure that you have a strong core, the simple fact of the matter is that you're not going to get a six pack unless you get rid of the layer of fat that is covering it up. Even if you have the most awesome stomach muscles on the planet, it is going to do little good if they are covered up by a layer of belly fat.

In order for you to overcome this problem, you need to have a combination of the proper diet and a proper series of exercises. The first thing that you need to do is to clear your mind of all of the things that you have ever learned in the past because unfortunately, many of them were false. Typically, we get our information through commercial means and because they are trying to sell us a product, they usually make that product out to be the best thing possible. Forget everything you know, here is how to get those six pack abs to show through.

The first thing that you need to do is eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water on a daily basis. I'm not talking about cutting out all of the carbohydrates or fats out from your diet, that is not healthy at all. Eat a balanced diet that contains as much raw fruits and vegetables as possible. It is also a good idea for you to eat a protein and a legume every time you sit down at a meal as this will help to build muscle in your body and to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Exercise is also a great idea and you need to make sure that you are doing multi-joint exercises that are targeting the largest muscles in your body. Putting lean muscle mass on your body in your legs, back and chest is going to melt the fat off of your body and allow that six pack abs that you have been working on to finally show through.

Check out for more of the latest tips, techniques and exercises on how to get flat abs.